Theologizing the End: Frameworks Part 2
This post may seem out of place or irrelevant to the “End Times” discussion, but I believe our understanding of the Kingdom and the...
Theologizing the End: Frameworks Part 2
Theologizing the End: Frameworks
Theologizing the End. Preliminary Things
Daily Devotional
If My People…
5 Reflections on COVID-19
Theological Reflection: Violence and the Christ-follower
I Want a Different Drink
Jesus’ Birthday: Read the Story Again
Reality and Things like Love
He Has You In Mind
Confessions of A Pastor: Shadow of Doubt
Confessions of a Pastor: Valley of Depression
Confessions of a Pastor: I Can’t be a Spongy Pastor
The Least of These
Evil (part 2)
Philosophizing Theology: Evil (Part 1)
Planks and Specks
Fatherly Thoughts on Father’s Day
Sunday School Myths: God Won’t Give Me More Than I Can Bear